CECE is the recognized organization representing and promoting the European construction equipment and related industries, co-ordinating the views of National Associations and their members by influencing the European/National Institutions and other organizations worldwide to achieve a fair competitive environment via harmonized standards and regulations.
CECE represents the interests of national construction equipment manufacturer associations in 13 European countries. The sector counts around 1200 companies that employ about 300,000 people directly and inderectly. Their annual revenues amount to ca. 40 billion euros. The sector’s durable and innovative machinery are working tools to help to build the houses, offices, factories, roads, railways and bridges that serve citizens across the globe. Manufacturers invest and innovate continuously to deliver equipment with highest productivity and lowest environmental impact. Efficiency, safety and high-precision technologies are key.
Niklas Nillroth (Volvo CE)
- Representation
CECE is the acknowledged partner of the institutions of the European Union for all questions related to construction equipment and the construction equipment industry. It represents the views of its member associations and their companies in the legislative and political process. CECE co-operates with CEN and ISO, the European and International Committees for standardisation.
CECE also maintains contacts with other Trade Associations from related sectors.
CECE represents the European industry within a network of the worldwide associations for the construction equipment industry, especially together with the Associations from China, Japan, Korea and North-America.
- Influencing EU technical legislation
CECE monitors upcoming European legislation, forms an industry position on the relevant subjects and actively communicates the view of the industry to the European legislators. In the opposite direction, CECE initiates legislation and other processes to harmonize the European markets and enable fair competition.
The promotion of international standards and safety regulations in co-operation with CEN and ISO is a major task for CECE, as well as the development of test procedures and nomenclatures.
- Economics and Statistics
CECE organizes a number of European statistics providing up-to-date market data for many types of construction equipment. Together with the sister associations from Japan, Korea and North America. CECE operates a worldwide statistical system.
In addition, CECE informs its members about market developments and the economic situation of the industry. CECE organises a monthly enquiry about the economic climate of the sector called CECE Barometer and publishes a quarterly Economic Bulletin.
- Exhibitions
CECE cooperates with a limited number of leading global and international exhibitions. The co-operation aims at contributing to successful exhibitions that meet the demands of the construction equipment industry. By providing information about exhibitions, CECE helps smaller manufacturers to identify relevant exhibitions to promote their products in non-European countries.
CECE - Committee for European Construction Equipment
BluePoint, Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium
T. +32 2 706 82 26
@ info@cece.eu • www.cece.eu
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